TC2030-MCP-NL = 10 pin Adapter Plug of Nails.
Hi, I am looking to import the TC2030-MCP-NL component, footprint and step file into Altium with the purpose of using it in my design. Snap Magic offers this and so I have attempted to implicate it.
However, every time I try to use Snap Magic as my resource, the imports do not seem to work.
Can anyone shine light on this? I really need these parts for my design and they are not available any where else. (That I know of)
Added 1 month, 1 week ago.
Hello, William,
Thanks for reaching us. Currently, TC2030-MCP-NL does not have any content in our database, and we couldn't find an equivalent for it. to request it, please click at "Request Now" at the site, and follow the instructions to get it.
Please reach back to us if you have any other questions. We'd be happy to help!
Answered 1 month, 1 week ago.
I am sorry, I should have typed TC2050-IDC-NL.
I can see it is available, but I cannot get the download into Altium.
Answered 1 month, 1 week ago.
Hello again, William,
Altium is the first choice of download after you click "Download Symbol and Footprint". Once you log in, please click this button to get this format. To download the 3D model, please click the 3D Model tab, and then click "Download Now".
If you do this, but the parts aren't downloading, please check if the downloads are being blocked on your browser, and try using another one to see if it replicates.
To save time, we have sent the symbol, footprint and 3D model of this part to your registered email. Kindly let us know how it goes.
Answered 1 month, 1 week ago.